Our grave yards are full of death bodies of mostly young Iranian citizens, over loaded with death bodies of those gone with the Wind, most of those buried died in vain, just maybe in defending our country against the war with Iraq, and many many more died in the hands of this blood sucker Islamic regime, death has become a way out for some, a kind of suicidal tendency for many to commit suicide by any means, i remember many joined the war in those war days of Iraq / Iran (a war which was dragged by the regime and prolonged to sustain their blood sucker Islamic existence further, however the real cause of war and the real responsible for some people are questionable), i was saying many joined the war just because there was no other hope for the future in those times , as we are having the same situation for the past 30 years, left alone the problems during the Shah’s regime which lasted for 50 years with it’s own political crimes and murders. Iran has never seen a happy moment in it’s last 1400. years of past history, Iranian collective conscience has to come together the sooner the better than waiting for centuries later!