God? Are You LIstening, Man?

Where are you man?

It’s not like we need you anymore, but just out of curiosity, where are you man?

SO, are you ever going to make your presence known, man?

Don’t you know we are all out of love, all out of faith, man?

And we need to know you are real, man?

Don’t you care anymore?

That we don’t care anymore?

Your “other son” created all these cleverly crafted religions with cleverly crafted rituals, to cleverly craft taking your place.

To speak his evil on your behalf, man.

Speak for you, man. Speak out of turn.

Cryptic interpretive evils, repackaged, remarketed as your re-branded word, man.

Misinterpreted, misconceptions of you, givin’ you a bad name, man.

A racist name, for a murdering game, a ruling class pay-to-play game, man.

Conceived by clerks for the demon, masquerading as priests.

Shaman accountants carefully counting your money.

Slimy commission-only salesman, claiming to have the map, the one true path to you.

Yell-telling us that if we don’t buy their bullshit, we have no faith.

That if we don’t sign up today, we’re hell bound tomorrow.

Commanding us to commit bizarre rituals, rules, regulations of diet, fashion, thought, and other strange behaviors.

Creative tricks to mind bend, twist and knot us around their will, not yours.

People, bad people, real bad people, using your name in their vain path of self-worship.

Ideas, bad ideas, real bad ideas, leading to even worse actions, murdering sex acts, in your name, flowing rivers of blood, all on your hands, man.

If I can control birth, why shouldn’t I?

If I can kill my neighbor, why don’t I?

If I can eat pork and live to tell, why can’t I?

If sinning is so wrong, why don’t I “…wanna be right”?

Why can I do every single thing they say, that you say, I must not do?

Why do I do everything they say, that you say, I should not do?

What do you say man? What is your word man? From your mouth. Not theirs.

Do you see why we wonder where you are, man?

Do you care that we wonder where you are, man?

Do you care that we need you now, more than ever man?

Do you see why we need you right now, to clarify and testify exactly where you stand, man?


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