Misogynist and Orientalist on a date

The following is an e-mail sent to Setareh (QoDs), which she would like to share for the benefit of anyone overly fond of .  I think bottle can make you more blond.  I think that’s where I get my “barbering ideas”.  I can read you Persian poetry while you are “barbering”.  Rumi is “espical” for “barbering”, isn’t it?  [Ed.: “barbering” = barbarian.]
J: As you say, “people have right to change,” whether they are misogynist, Orientalist, or homeless.  However, this Jenny isn’t going to change her hair.  Maybe her number.
H: Jenny, don’t change your number!
J: Okay, I’ll leave it to my roommate, Roya.

The rest is more or less history.  As Hajiagha said, “I cannot draw some things to every body became happy,” and as another commentator said, “We need to speak to bring love and respect to man and women [and misogynist and Orientalist] in equal.”  Maybe some of us are “a cat playing with a muse.”  But maybe “others have right to know who’s this guy.”  Zendeh baad Hajiagha!

Take care,

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