A dot!

Hmmmm!  A dot!
A dot!
What dot?
Show me what you got!

Hmmmm!  Let me see!
Let me see!
Let me see the dot
Let me see the dot

Let me see what you got

Is it here?
Is it there?
Is it anywhere?
Is it hot?
Is it like a knot?

How many of them have you got?
A lot?
Do you have them in the house?
Do you have them in the train?
Do you have them in the boat?
Do you have them in the car?
Do you have them in your box?
Do you have them in the dark?

Would I get a jolt if I touched your dot?
I ought, I ought
I must, I must

Let me see your dot
Let me touch your dot
I must know what you got?
Show me what you got!

I am clueless!
Am I not?
Please let me see your dot?
Please let me touch your dot?

I must, I must!

(Blog Image: Black hole Sun)

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