The time has come for the hard decision to be made about IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic. Is it to learn to live with a nuke ready IRR which quite openly supports and propagates international terrorism, like conquering armies of bygone age thumbing its nose at all the norms of civilized behavior and savagely brutalizing Iranians, or doing something about it.
When it comes to forcing an unwilling rogue regime to do that which it does not wish or due to institutional and ideological constraints can’t afford to do, there are basically two ways to go about it. One is hoping against hope that a combination of punishment and reward in the form of incremental economic sanctions will change its behavior or using the ultimate sledgehammer, militarily attacking it.
In the case of the Islamist Rapists holding Iranians and the region hostage to their increasingly virulent messianic Islamist posture the reward/punishment route of step by step sanctions has been tried to no avail attracting attentions to the other option. Although being anti-war on principle, the fact remains a military campaign will decimate regime’s outdated conventional war machinery and damage most but certainly not all the known, let alone unknown, illegal nuke sites. Which all boils down to at best delaying by a year or a bit longer the Islamist Rapists’ nuke program. That being the primary concern of the sane world would make the costly military option a bad deal to be had.
But even with all the sophisticated “pinpoint accuracy” of the tools of modern warfare the ultimate reason for the military option not succeeding is the tremendous human toll it would entail.
Contrary to some bookish opinions it would not by any means turn Anti-IRR Iranians into pro Islamist Rapists but instead would waste, pissing it all away really, the goodwill of the only, outside Israel, pro-American population in the Middle East. Which neither America nor the West in general can afford losing such a natural ally in an area where they are spending unbelievable treasure and blood to create more and finding it a near impossibility.
In short, if the sane world is after finding solution to the intractable Middle East peace, at the same time laying to rest the ever mounting anxieties over the Islamist Rapists’ worrisome illegal dual track nuke program and at simultaneously solidifying the goodwill of an entire nation in the most troubled spot in the world—all the roads pass through overthrowing of the IRR by the willing and capable Iranian nation with the help of DC, Democracy Central, America. Time is of the essence.