The Centrality of the Divine Feminine in Sufism

[Published in the Proceedings of the “2nd Annual Hawaii
International Conference on Arts & Humanities”, Honolulu, Hawaii.]

This paper examines the concept of the Divine Feminine from the Sufi
tradition (and its roots) with questions regarding the Sufi definition of the Divine Feminine, the various techniques used to
experience it, the nature of the experiences, and the ultimate
intentions of the Islamic mystics known for engaging in such
practices. Through an investigation involving examinations of Sufi teachings that the female body is the locus of continuous theophany
of the Divine
in human beings, explorations of the cult of Prophet
Muhammad’s daughter Fatima, comparisons of Tantric philosophical
shared by both the ancient Dravidian world and Islam,
analyses of songs chanted by a Sufi Order from Cairo, visionary
experiences of mystics from various traditions, and Islamic
techniques of sacred sex
as revealed in Hadith and Sufi erotic
, it has been gathered that Allah is, as defined by numerous
Sufis, the feminine form of the ultimate reality.

 Read the full article, here.

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