Faramarz Fateh, Islamophobia and Iranian.Com

On several occasions now when pressed Faramarz Fateh has claimed to be a non-Bahai. Instead he has claimed his wife to be a Bahai. Yet on this site he has repeatedly demonstrated to be one of the most biggoted Islam-bashers around, some of his articulated harangues clearly falling under the legal definition of what constitutes a hate-crime.

He has stated,

I personally hold Islam responsible for ALL (100%) ills of Iran and Iranian society.  To that end, I am a strong proponent of Islam
bashing at every opportunity possible. ”


Countless more examples of such anti-Islamic hate-speech by Faramarz Fateh can be furnished.

Now it was brought to our attention that recently Mr Fateh was invited as a guest speaker to a UN gathering  in Colorado to speak about the plight of the Baha’is in Iran:

Faramarz Fateh was also invited and he talked about the persecution of people of the Baha’i’ faith in Iran.” 

This is quite an interesting situation to be given a self-confessed Islam-basher, i.e. Islamophobe. Perhaps the people who invited him there were not completely aware of his Islamophobic views which legally would be identifiable as hate-speech. And how could a confessed Islamophobe have any credibility to be speaking about the plight of another community in front of participants to a UN gathering in the first place? In any case, that this site continues to reward people like Mr Faramarz Fateh and punish those who raise questions about such behavior/and patterns of behavior, and the dominant clique here egging it all on, makes for quite an interesting legal as well as PR situation for Iranian.Com to find itself in. I understand there are certain standards set by the FCC which sites such as this must abide by in order to continue operating in the capacity that they have operated. Perhaps it is time for JJ and his team (and esp. any attorneys for this site) to review those.

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