Paid agents

Remember the $75 million U.S. government earmarked back in 2006 for Iranian democracy activists?

The seventy five million that IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, some lobbies and all the Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies harped on all the times, you remember now?

The $75 million which never got anywhere close to the opposition instead was used to expand VOA, Voice Of America’s Persian language T.V. and radio programs which are also opposed by the same groups.

The very seventy five million that supplied the Islamist Rapists’ foot soldiers with ammunition to tar-and-feather any and all IRR opposition which did not continuously condemn U.S. as having been paid from that fund, that $75 million. 

Now hear this, on Sunday the Islamist Rapists announced the allocation of $20 million to be spent by their cutthroat Intelligence Ministry on “progressive movements” to “resist” and shed light on human rights abuses by the United States and Britain.

With IRR’s money dispensing Alavi foundation front having been seized by U.S. federal authorities, it would not be out of character for the same groups and lobbies which had such a fit over the U.S. $75 million to fail to have the same consistent reaction to the Islamist Rapists’ $20 million fund.

Would it be wrong to say whoever unequivocally and constantly does not condemn IRR is being paid from the newly allocated fund? Well, if fair is fair, would it be?

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