The Face of Tomorrow

The end persists

In few words

Nothing matters anymore

Desperation drags feet

And I see you fading at a distance where

The border of Fall and Spring turns into dust

Day appears, in disguise

Taking shadows in its strides

Perfections, and pains

All there is to remember

A summary of it all

Is that brief sunset

Losing sight of rising again

This is the beginning

And the end

And in between

A desperate moment to recall the purpose

At a confused walk towards capturing the highest pick

Of absolute nothing

When the land slides and the curtain falls

A vacant diary

On the table registers

Trips to make

Goodbyes to say

Pictures to paint

Hopes to plant

Flower pots to put face to face with the sun

And make sure to leave something behind for friends

The rainy days drags on …

So many words to remember

So many smiles to keep in heart

So many promises of warm breeze flying in your mind

So many springs to wake up in

So little time on hand

So little time

Oh, simple dreams

That bears no sense

And this is the beginning

And the end

The moment to step into emptiness

Standing in the direction of submission

losing strength to hang on

A solitary walk lays ahead

A solitary walk

The silence of the wind

Awaiting rain to fall on fire

Fire but has turned gray

Left on the stony road behind

Stories of past wear black

And memories run dry

Faces of friends turn dark, turn faint

Your mind wonders

Decisions shorten to the steps left

on the face of the clock on the wall

Have all been done?

Have all been said?

How can you find a moment

To recall what you have meant to say at last

The rainy days drag on and on …

And nothing matters anymore

In the face of tomorrow…

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