Sahimi Keynotes Seattle Conference on Iran, U.S., Israel Relations

Prof Muhammad Sahimi, one of America’s most prominent Iran analysts, will keynote a Seattle conference, Iran-Israel-U.S.:  Solving the Nuclear Impasse. Below is the new flyer for the event. Sahimi is a professor of chemical engineering at the University  of Southern California.  He maintains an extensive network of political activists in Iran with whom he is in close contact.  He blogs at Huffington Post and is a correspondent for
PBS Frontline’s Teheran Bureau.  He has been interviewed by NPR and the N.Y.  Times seeking his perspective on political developments in Iran:

Iran-Israel-U.S.: Resolving the Nuclear Impasse


* Dr. Muhammad Sahimi, University of Southern California

* Dr. Ian Lustick, political science professor, University of Pennsylvania

* Dr. Keith Weissman, former Aipac deputy director and Iran specialist

* Moderator: Dr. Ellis Goldberg, political science professor, University of Washington

December 16th at 7 PM

Town Hall, Seattle

Information: 206.632.0662 x 30

Tickets: $10 suggested donation

Brown Paper Tickets:


Community sponsors:

♦ Stroum Jewish Studies Program, University of
Washington* ♦ Middle East Center, UW Jackson School of International
Studies* ♦ American Friends Service Committee ♦ Peace Action of
Washington ♦ Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility ♦ American
Muslims of Puget Sound ♦ Jewish Voice for Peace ♦  Kadima
Reconstructionist Community ♦ Network Promoting Peace with Iran ♦
United Nations Association of Greater Seattle

This community conference sponsored by local Jewish community groups and peace organizations will explore ways of resolving the Iranian nuclear crisis through negotiation, rather than force. Congress recently passed a draconian sanctions bill directed against Iran.
Neocons in the U.S. and Israel suggest that if sanctions do not work eventually military force may be the only way  to end or delay Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Many in the progressive community are deeply concerned that the U.S. and/or Israel  may soon repeat interventionist mistakes made in Iraq and Afghanistan. This conference will present a
comprehensive approach that could resolve major difference through diplomacy and open a new era in relations between these three current enemies. It  will also discuss the best means of supporting the Iran reform movement in its efforts to encourage a government based on democracy and tolerance.

Among the issues to be discussed:

* What is the best way to approach the issue of Iran’s nuclear program that will secure a positive outcome for those nations opposed
to it?

* What impact might “crippling sanctions” have on Iran and the overall conflict? Will they work?

* What repercussions might there be from an Israeli military attack on Iran and would such an attack attain its objectives?

* If a military attack is a bad idea, how do we work to prevent it?

* How should the west further the goals of the Iran reform movement?

* Voices within the Israeli military, intelligence and academic communities that embrace a more pragmatic approach

* Sponsorship by the UW’s Stroum Jewish Studies Program and Middle East Center of this program does not constitute an endorsement of the program’s content

cross-posted to Tikun Olam

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