Iranian Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Hurts Iranian People Undermines International Unity on Iran

Washington DC – The National Iranian American Council is deeply concerned that the House of Representatives’ plan to bring H.R. 2194, the Iranian Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act (IRPSA), to a vote the week of December 14, 2009 is a move in the direction of punishing the Iranian people instead of the Iranian government. NIAC supports the Obama Administration’s ongoing engagement efforts and, though the Iranian government’s response has thus far been frustrating, the US must remain committed to working in concert with its international partners. Considering unilateral sanctions at this time threatens to preempt and undermine the President’s multilateral efforts.
A successful strategy for dealing with Iran must have diplomatic engagement as its basis. Sanctions can play a constructive role within that process, but in order to be effective they must target the Iranian government and the individuals responsible for the government’s reprehensible behavior, with a special emphasis on those guilty of human rights violations.

As Congress moves forward, NIAC encourages Congressional action to meet the following standards:
Do not harm the Iranian people – No one has suffered under the repressive rule of the Iranian Government more than the Iranian people. Unilateral sanctions such as those included in IRPSA will hurt the people of Iran immensely and do little to target the actors such as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps … >>>

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