Walking slowly, yet steadily, in the very direction, that bliss may lie
Without hesitation, much anticipation, indeed with great joy, in the direction, that bliss may lie
Nothing awkward, the very angels of heaven, beckoning us, to be thoroughly manifested
Unabashedly, with much warmth, and great certitude, yes my darling, all along our path, all through and through
The path of excellence, yes my brethren, no vice in sight, total virtue, from here to infinity
No colossal errors, never regretful, no my darling, the very manifestation, of divinity in here and now
The words of the wise, not yet spoken, no my darling, laying in wait, in the very bosom, of creation
Totally bewildered, with much musings, from our very angels, unbeknownst to all, yet quite known to God
The dreams of our fathers, the visions of our sons, in total expectation, yet not quite realized
With much faith, the very sweat of our brows, in total anticipation, yes my darling, they will indeed, all come to pass
The virtues of plans, all possibilities abound, for the very benefit, of our brothers, and indeed, our sisters
The plan of God, indeed my plan, all one and the same, yes my sweet, embrace it, make it part of your flesh, all with great joy
My Prayer of Jabez, your exhortation of the Almighty, the very spirit of creation, all intertwined, with much bliss
The blessings of rectitude, the fruits of our efforts, all being realized, in our very presence, from here to infinity
Come my darling, drink from this very spirit, that bears God’s blessings
Nothing less, no my sweet, but the very manifestation, of all the harvest of creation, at our feet, now come, and drink from this very spirit, that bears God’s blessings
In all Hell, and in the midst of Heaven, nothing aspires, to be, the very fruit of creation
All manifested, in the glory of our faith, the very blessing of certitude, to come to pass, in our midst, now drink, from this very spirit, that bears God’s blessings
Remember my sweet, your very efforts, will indeed, manifest, the very character of God, in you
Nothing less, and indeed, nothing more, no my darling, but your very efforts, will indeed, manifest, the very character of God, in you