Sleepless in freedom

So many Iranians in Diaspora, at least the ones on line, are sleepless. Searching, looking for information on how the Student Day is going back in Iran.

Knowing IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has put aside all pretenses and cares not a bit about anything but fulfilling its messianic mission, it is a day the bravest of the brave have come out braving the Islamists’ uniquely Islamist savagery.

So much blood, particularly Iranian blood, is on this Islamist regime’s hands that not all the waters of the seven seas will wash it away. And today, at this very moment some more Iranian blood is being shed.

These nuke acquiring messianic Islamists will stop at nothing, as ridicules as it might sound to the sane world, they really mean it when they say they are preparing for the “management of the world”. The sane world should know these people who are being butchered and raped by IRR are their last hope before they will have to send their own sons and daughters in harms way.

Knowing without outside help how futile their ultimate sacrifices are sitting in safety and comfort of sane side of the world, observing compatriots, finest of human beings ever graced this earth, facing a certain savage beating, tortured, rape and murder is unbearable.  The feeling of helplessness is overbearing.

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