Fred an alter ego of Q

Today I received an email which included some very “out there” claims.  The guy in the email suggested that paid IRI internet agents write anti regime blogs to get people to respond to them.  From repeated responses, using spyware etc on sites such as and many other blog sites (non as popular) they eventually get into people’s computers and hence find anonymous poster’s real identity.

Then they get black listed and targeted.  Although this is very far fetched and something seen in the movies, it got me thinking. Thinking about it, here was that one story in Wall Street journal about a blogger’s family members in Iran being arrested. 

Could this blogger called Fred be an alter ego, if you will, of Q ?  Could they be the same guy?

JJ jan, please install the latest and greatest anti spyware software on your servers.  I don’t want the IRI regime to know who I am.

Or wait, maybe JalehO and Faramarz Fateh are the samle people.  Jallah Khaalegh!!! 

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