Love W, damn Obama

As far as IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic is concerned the good old days of W are long gone never to be replicated.  What a fantastic times they were, too bad there is a term limit, he could have been reelected for the third, fourth time, even permanently, the man was just precious and loved.

Here just five of many reasons for posthumous appreciation:

1- So many U.S. allies showed their disapproval of his policies by cozying up to IRR.

2- It was the golden days for the Islamist Rapists’ lobbyists; all they had to say to gain peoples’ trust was something against the Cowboy or his sidekick.

3- The unprecedented rise in bilateral trade during his tenure was nice too.

4- Refusal to forego precondition for talking with IRR was a heaven-sent, let IRR off the hook doing the lobbyists’ job for them.

5- The mothballed commies, loony lefties, suite and tie Islamists adored him for the opportunity created to propagate their gibberish in a vaunted anti-W wrapping.   


Then Obama had to come and ruin a good thing, here some of the damage already done:

1- Allies have taken the lead in opposing nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists.

2- Poor lobbyists are caught between a rock and a hard place, they now got to come up with asinine sanctions to minimize hurting IRR.

3- Forget bilateral trade, talk about actual tightening of screws, bye bye Alavi.

4- Here is America’s stretched out hand, no precondition, lobbyists now have to explain the unexplainable white-knuckle fist of the Islamist Rapists.  

5- Poor octogenarian commies, la-la land lefties and clean shaven Islamists are all tongue-tied now.

That damn Obama, it was not supposed to turn out this way.

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