Did the regime murder Montazeri? Or is this the hand of providence moving against the regime?

Coming only a few days after Montazeri ( rahmatullah ‘aleyhi) publicly criticized Khomeini ( la’anat’ullah ‘aleyhi) and outright stated that the latter was not mas’um (i.e. saintly, infallible, immune from error, sinless, immaculate, etc), what are the views of the readership here on Iranian.Com? Could the regime’s security forces have quietly murdered the old Ayatollah? What would be their thinking  and rationale in performing such a deed, if that is indeed what happened? If not, is this passing of Ayatollah Montazeri an acceleration or deceleration of the process of the Islamic republic’s final implosion? Give your opinions. Where are we now at with Montazeri gone?

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