Iran Intelligence Minister “identifies” 80 dissident groups

Iranian Intelligence Minister, Heydar Moslehi, announced that the ministry has identified 80 foundations and organizations that were active in the post-election protests.

In a meeting with the nation’s provincial premiers he announced that these organizations were involved in the post-election “sedition” and one of them even has a 1.7-billion-dollar budget.

The Intelligence Minister reportedly added that the objective of the “seditious movement” in the Islamic Republic is “altering the behaviour of government officials and the people” as well as dismantling the Islamic Republic regime from within.

Mr. Moslehi maintained that this movement was established earlier at the conference of Berlin and Denmark.

He listed “People’s Mojahedin Organization, monarchists, religious and ethnic terrorists, Baha’is, homosexuals, feminist groups, nationalists and Marxists” as members of this movement.

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