Thank you everybody for participating in the developing news blogs I have been posting. Our community showed its keen interest in news from Iran and in getting together to share and to talk about events unfolding there.
These are significant times in Iran’s history. Iran is in the throes of important events, shaping almost every minute. A large body of the news coming out of Iran is “unofficial,” as local reporters are under severe censorship pressure and foreign media are not allowed to cover developing events in Iran. The media are the bloggers and the tweeters, the YouTube posters, and undercover journalists of Iran. So much of what we hear is in Persian without the possibility of getting translated and presented in English. In this vein, it would help our community if everybody shares whatever they find in a central spot. This could also serve as a place for us all to come together and talk about the news, sharing our thoughts.
Please post your selected news and links and clips in this blog. Let’s keep the community informed. Thank you again for all your help.
See previous blogs: Iranian protests: developing news and Ayatollah Montazeri’s memorial: developing news