This is sick! Should demonstrators start carrying 2 x 4’s in self-defense?

Look at what Khamenei’s thugs did to demonstrators yesterday in Zamjan. 

“Older women tried to prevent the arrest of young men by throwing themselves on them, and were severely beaten by officers who “to drag the young men away, the Web site reported.

“The police in Zanjan, a city of mostly Turkish speakers, tried to prevent a mourning ceremony by locking the mosque where the ceremony was to be held and attacking mourners who chanted outside it, Jaras reported.

“The police beat people with such violence that many suffered from broken legs, arms and noses,” the Web site reported. There were many arrests, Jaras said. to prevent a mourning ceremony by locking the mosque where the ceremony was to be held and attacking mourners who chanted outside it, Jaras reported.


The Basilj are cowards with no morals.  So long as they have a monopoly over clubs, they will continue to pound on every unarmed demonstrator they can, regardless of age or gender.  It’s time for demonstrators, who vastly outnumber the Basilj, to start carrying their own clubs, make it clear they will own use them to defend themselves go after any regime thug who targets them.  Time also to wear masks.  

So long as the Basilj can commit such horrors with no fear of reprisal, they will do so.  How clear must their message be?  Once a Basilj attacks any demonstrator, let the people close in on him and beat him mercilessly.  They’ll get the message when a few dozen Basilj in each city go home with broken arms and heads.  They’ve never had to deal with that before.  At least there will be a lot of satisfaction in it for the people.  By contrast the Basilj do what they do out of sick sadism.  Like the Supreme Satan and the Yadzi’s they seem to get “off” on it.  I suspect they go home and brag, “Man, did I hit that bitch!” 

As for Khamenei–that total scumbag–I can picture him watching videos of his Basilj in action, much as Hitler watched German generals being strangled with piano wire after Operation Valkyrie failed.

Of course the Basilj can always carrying guns and shoot into the crowd but if they do they surely know that’ll be it for the regime.  Anyone Basilj caught doing so should be rushed and beaten to death.

In event the regime’s thugs do being shooting into crowds, expect mutiny in the military ranks.   ARMED soldiers will almost certainly join the demonstrators to protect them.


The people in Zamjan are of Turkish background.  The Turks are very sensitive to the treatment of their kin, such as the Turkomen in Iraq’s Kurdistan.  It’s time to appeal to Turkey against Iran’s brutality in Zamjan.  Iran had been making headway in its relations with Turkey.   Let them become just that much more isolated instead.

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