Real quick, It’s Christmas day and I just want to share something with you all and hope you wont laugh at me!
Last night I dreamt of Iranian people on the streets of Iran protesting silently with thousands of crosses they made out of woods and above their heads…
Imagine, Had this been real, Maybe such massive protest with the ultimate message of “Peace and Love” on Jesus’s Birthday would have had an unbelievable positive echo around the globe for defenseless Iranians and prevented Islamic Republic to touch or hurt the protesters as it is forbidden to insult Jesus Christ in Islam…
If you think we as Iranians can use any reason to defy Islamic Republic and its unjustful ways against Iranians in any way possible, please spread this idea! Maybe such action in Iran is still possible! Maybe this idea (dream) can actually work in Iran and for Iranians to get their message out on the planet!
Maybe a HOLY protest as such will force/influence Islamic Republic to back down to some extend and make them reflect a bit!
Ahmadi-nejad is calling for Mahdi (Emam Zaman) resurrection! Let’s give him the REAL ONE with Jesus Christ !!!
Merry Christmas Everybody….
Peace and Love