Rain, rain

Rain, rain

Here is a stick
Here is a brick
Here is the blood
Here is faryaad
Here is jalaad
Here is the timid
Here is the flame
Here is the claim

Here is a man on the ground
Here is a man in pain
Here is his blood
Where is the winter rain?
Rain, rain

Here is sister Zanab, demanding hijab
Here is a woman, draped in blood
Here is a woman on the ground
Hear the sound of shotgun blast?
Run, run
Run fast

Where is the winter rain?
Rain, rain
Rain on this land
Rain on the desert sand
Rain on the woman’s hand
Rain on kooh’e Damavand

Rain on the man
Rain all you can
Rain on us
Rain on the bus
Rain on the land
Rain on the sea
Rain with all your fury
Rain all you can

Wash away this stain 
Wash away this pain
Break loose this chain
End this evil reign
End this endless pain

End this pain



December, 29, 2009

Meet Iranian Singles

Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
Meet your Persian Love Today!
Meet your Persian Love Today!