Rebel Soul

For 2010, I resolved to give up coffee, meat, chicken, fish, salt, sugar, nuts and grains – for 6 days out of every week. It was time get out of the committed long term relationship I had maintained with these food groups for decades, and switch instead to occasional dating. Who knows – maybe they will taste better on that 7th day! Yes – I decided to take the first step to becoming a Vegan. I woke up on New Year’s Day miserable, with a headache, clogged up nasal passages and two fat lumps at the back of my throat – clearly not the picture of hope, health or inspiration. It took every ounce of will for me not to fry some eggs, gorge on them with toast and then drown my sorrows in the contents of a cafetiere. The cat was already out of the bag. Family, friends and coworkers knew about my resolve; so there was no going back. I had a bit of a weep as I sipped my cup of chamomile tea and said my mental good bye to my most loyal vice of all. Every good bye leads to a hello and this was no different. I set off to pacify my soul by visiting the local market where I picked up every vegetable whose name I knew and some that I did not. I traipsed back home and prepared to make soup. In between sneezes, coughs and sniffles I took pictures inside and out. Before I knew it, I had enough material for my first photo essay – “Rebel Soul” Yes – being Vegan was going to be good. The credit for the sharp images goes to an unsuspecting cyber accident I had with a gentle and generous soul who set me on the straight and narrow path of acquiring a devil of a camera. Here is you and here’s the debut of my EOS Rebel T1i! 12 next › last »

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