It Always Happens to Someone else!

If you had asked me about Luekimia six weeks ago, I would have answered to you in some vague and general terms. Not any longer!

My friend since childhood was diagnosed with acute Luekimia about six weeks ago.

It is as simple as this: A blood or a bone marrow donation can save lives of people with Luekimia. All you have to do is to join the registry for donors and you can potentially save somebody’s life.

My friend’s siblings are not a match. Since he is Iranian, the chance of finding a match is higer in Iranian population but it doesn’t mean that people from other countries are excluded.

There is no cost to you as a potential donor and the cost of testing in U.S.A. is covered by PACI (Persian American Cancer Institute) until the end of January 2010. Please use PROMO CODE: PACI4HOPE or JOIN4HOPE if you register in U.S.A.

Please join the registry in your own country and save a life!




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