Ever since the recent lull in the mass peaceful protests and the intensification of savagery of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic a new wave of opinion pieces are landing on the American shores.
Not that there is anything new in the substance of the pieces or their authorship, the newness comes in the approach.
The authors are the same. The ones who never got tired of blaming U.S. for not being willing to seat face to face with IRR to sort things out. The very same would be peaceniks who bemoaned the carrot and stick policy recommending a hand of friendship approach. The lobbyists who advocated unfettered business as the way to get the well established and not going anywhere Islamist Rapists to play ball.
But since the U.S. has met face to face with Islamist Rapists resulting in not a thing, now that a stretched hand of friendship has been dangling in the air for a whole year with no interested Islamist Rapist in sight the approach has changed color.
Now everything is Green. That is put everything on ice, seat back and let the Green do it. No sanctions, no material help of any kind to the beleagured Iranians, just “bear witness” and talk about human rights till you drop.
In the meantime grab a bag of nachos, a six-pack and watch the Islamist Rapists on the YouTube doing their Islamist thing to the hapless Iranians. Go Green!