Among many attributes of the Green Movement one recent outcome is the polarizing effect that it has had between various players. In the end there are 2 camps; the regime versus the Green Movement. Sure throw in USA, Israel, Europe and just about all other countries being in Green movement’s camp.
Can you imagine a country that would shed a tear if the Islamic Republic is toppled? Iran’s closest allies are Syria and Venezuela. Both countries can easily welcome a new regime. So the argument that USA and Israel hold the same position as the Green Movement does not really hold any water. Russia and China wouldn’t care either.
Last night I watched some recent interviews that Darius Kadivar had posted and I was surprised that Soraya Sepahbod-Ulrich was making so many outlandish claims and pretty much ignoring the Green Movement. She was comparing the summer election to Bush-Gore 2000 and how American people went about their own business.
Times have changed but some people won’t change until it hits them smack in the head and they have no other alternative but to accept the change. Some of you may remember that Sepahbod-Ulrich wrote many controversial articles here on which were among the most discussed and hotly debated. Looks like she stopped writing here in Sep 2008.
At the time there wasn’t any Green Movement and Bush and his cronies were pushing for war on Iran and I found her arguments in line with what I thought were the important issues of the day. So in those discussions I could understand what she was saying and agreed with her. Now I can’t disagree with her enough! But that’s not the issue.
The issue is that people are closing ranks. Some like her or Leverettes may have no other vested interest than to remain annoying anntellectuals! Whatever their motive or thoughts, the regime in power is being seriously challenged and the lawlessness is on regime’s shoulders because there is enough evidence to arrest and punish those who are abusing their powers in prisons and streets.
NIAC and others on the other hand are siding with the Green Movement. So in my opinion while we can’t predict the future and how things may unfold we can acknowledge what is already unfolding right before our eyes. I don’t know if this is a revolution or a civil rights movement, yet. As I read in NIAC’s article today this is not a 100 meter dash, it is a marathon. The best positions we can take is to side with people and condemn regime’s atrocities.
We are hearing new arguments and all arguments end up either trying to strengthen the regime or weakening it. People always hated this regime but they couldn’t do anything about it. Now they are united and fearless like never before. They’re risking their lives and livelihood so what more is there for them to risk? Not to mention in such large numbers that is getting larger with each commemorative day.
Regime wants to compare this movement to the mass arrests, imprisonment and final mass execution of the 80s. Back in those days the numbers weren’t as much and the people were mostly 18 – 20 year old sympathizers for various political groups who were scattered.
Today people are much more mature and this struggle is not for political groups. Thanks to Islamic Republic there are no political parties left The people on the streets are born and raised under this regime so they know exactly what they are dealing with. They know how ruthless their leaders can be. The struggle today is for justice and being fed up with life under the Islamic Republic.
Another argument I hear is from some who come from Iran and say people are tired of these “riots”. First of all people were tired of “riots” during Shah too and Shah called them “riots” as well. That wasn’t a peaceful and quiet revolution either. Second of all, if you don’t join the protests it doesn’t mean that these protests are small. I hear from people coming from Iran that regime is putting security guards in front of hospitals to arrests the injured protestors and those who help them.
As I wrote in my previous blogs after I came back following the summer election, Ahmadi and now Sepahbod-Ulrich want to act like an ostrich. If it is talking about rule of law and protests let’s compare it to Bush-Gore 2000 but when it is about the aftermath and treatment of people don’t go any further and stop right there. If it is about freedom say Iran has the “best” freedom but then allow people to be crowded in small prison cells with no food and water and allow some of them die and then let those responsible to go free. The economic situation is not any better outside the prisons. Arrest mothers of the prisoners en masse. Arresting these mothers are the last straws that Sepahbod-Ulrich and others don’t want to acknowledge. Lets close ranks.