There is hardly a day goes by without IRR, The Islamist Rapist Republic not coming up with yet another method of sucking it to the enslaved Iranians.
The spirit of freedom at the institutions of higher education has not been gutted enough by the Islamist Cultural revolution. The world leadership in brain drain has not been good enough either. Using university dormitories as training grounds for the Islamist Basiji and Revolutionary Guard thugs to raid and practice their Islamist savagery on the defenseless student has not been satisfying enough. Nor have all the Kidnapping, raping, torturing, jailing, outright murdering of students and their professors been fulfilling enough.
The news of the newest Islamist scholastic initiative is beginning to trickle out.
Internal banishment, that old tactic extensively employed by the apartheid South Africa is being tried out on the Iranian university students. It seems Islamist Rapists have a thing for the young Iranian students and can’t get their minds off of them.