Prince Reza

I am tired of all these ex-radical ex-confederation naive older Iranians who used to campaign for overthrow of our monarchy and who caused all the problems that we have had since then.  Reza Pahlavi has as much legal power as Prince Edward has vis-à-vis England.  Our new monarch is Queen Farah who was named Empress of Iran in the 1973 coronation.  Respectfully speaking, idiots like Aryo Barzan (and I have never heard of such an authentic Persian name) campaign for a republic in Iran not realizing what lies ahead.  The same shortsightedness that caused the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah; older Iranians in late 1970s were saying, “Who do you have in mind to replace the Shah?  Communists? Fundamentalists?”  The radicals were shortsighted and naive and just wanted to get rid of Mohammad Reza Shah but had NO program and NO viable leadership to take its place.  What did we end up with?  Chaos, hangings, self-exiles, war, chemical weapons and brutality the likes of which we have not seen since Changis the Mongol.  Now, we have a Queen who is ethnic Turk and is loved by most Iranians (except the psycho lefties). She can unite Iran under a democratic constitutional monarchy like England, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, and Japan.  But these idiotic leftists, with their anger issues and very low self-esteem, now want a republic!  Just think back and see what happend in Yugoslavia.  All the ethnic groups ceded and war, bloodshed, and brutality followed.  Just explore the Internet and see how many secessionist groups are there who want to separate Azarbijan (birthplace of Prophet Zoroaster), Kurdistan (birthplace of Persian Medes), Sistan-Baluchiitan (seat of the oldest Zoroastrian “ebadat-gah”), and Khuzestan (the location in which ancient Persian city Susa or Shush is located).  These lefties need to get a life and stop wasting so much time propagating, most likely inadvertently, for the destruction of our Motherland. 

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