Iran Launches Website on Nuclear Matters:

So Iran has reportedly launched a website to “publish the latest developments about Iran’s nuclear program” and it leaves me pulling my little remaining hair in frustration.

The website was launched by Iran’s foreign minister Mottaki, who said the website “will show that ‘there is a minority in the world that eyes maximum interests through monopolizing everything, including science and technology.'” I’m sorry to say that most of the reason they’ve been “monopolizing everything” is because Iran has made it so easy for them to do so.

Of course, it goes without saying that I am happy that we have an alternate source of information about Iran’s nuclear program now and the website seems very well designed and quite informative too.

However, I am also frustrated. For YEARS I have been publicly decrying the lack of use of the internet by Iran to explain its nuclear program. On one hand, they complain about how “Zionists control the media” and thus misrepresent Iran, and on the other hand they refused to spend a small amount of money to at least start a blog just as millions of 14-year old kids have done around the world, in order to circumvent the US corporate-dominated mass media and instead directly reach billions of people around the world.

I was quite happy when PressTV announced that Iran had finally launched a website on its nuclear program. Hey, 6 years late is better than never, I guess. And I’ll overlook the fact that the PressTV report …

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