Rap-e Fars: Quf & Bidad “Basse Moftbari”, produced by Mahdyar Aghajani

photo/design: Azim Fathi

This track is so extremely haunting, beautiful, and intense that it is almost painful–in a good way. I love the music, Bidad’s eerie traditional vocals and Quf rapping the slang poetry. Plus, the production and mix by Mahdyar and mastering by Guy Buss are deep and amazing.

The track, credits and an English translation of the lyrics can be found at http://madyaraghajani.com/ , as well as the track credits:

Also see Mahdyar’s first interview after fleeing Iran http://iranian.com/main/2009/oct/seeking-refuge     Julie Jigsawnovich is an artist, writer and musician living in New York.  Contact her at: Jigsawnovich1@gmail.com 

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