Holy mother of God, those American devils, those no good excuses for human beings were behind it all and are apparently planning to do it to Iran too.
Ruining an entire nation, murdering its men, women and children with total impunity cannot stand. And yes, this mobilization of American resources to help the victims does not fool everyone.
Thankfully without expecting or receiving so much as a red cent in return Iran and Iranians have wise and caring friends in important places looking out for Iran’s best interests.
The latest example of such wise caring friends:
“Russia Today: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it’s Haiti’s disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is … destroying and taking over Iran.”