Clerical students attack Khoumeini

From Enduring America:

2155 GMT: Kalemeh reports that the wife of the late Seyed Ahmad Khomeini, the son of Ayatollah Khomeini, has been attacked by clerical students.

Link to source: [url=]سایت خبری تحلیلی کلمه � Blog Archive � حمله طلاب افراطی به عروس امام خمینی[/url]

Comment: The founder’s younger son, a severe critic of Khamenei’s dictatorial tendencies just like this victim, died a suspicious death over a decade ago when Khamenei’s well-protected death squads enjoyed a free hand to assassinate critics and human rights spokesmen. Khamenei has always deeply detested the idea that the scum over which he rules should be entitled to any personal liberties or freedom of speech.   Such things might interfere with his mass thievery.

It is no surprise that these clerical students mainly came from the seminary run the ultraconservative Yazdis in Qom, whose totalitarian interpretration of Islam totally match the Supreme Billionaire’s own tastes and help meet his own needs (for power and money).

Recall Khamenei’s silence (tacit approval) when Mesbah Yadzi issued a pre-election fatwz commanding vote counters to rig the election as obligatory Islamic behavior.

You can bet that most of the thugs in roving gangs that have been attacking homes, mosques and offices of reform politicians and ayatollahs have been furnished by the Yazdis. 

These are the same types who burned almost 500 working class Iranians alive in Abadan a year before the Revolution and successfully blamed it on the Shah, which made no sense but people fell fo such nonsense then.  

These are the same types that–after the Revolution–went around throwing sulphuric acid in women’s face–to break mass resistence to new “islamic” laws requiring the hajib and teach them a lesson.  Many women were blinded or disfigured for life.   Then, as now, no one dared interfere because such thugs enjoyed protection from the very top. 

Oh, what a sweet and lovable regime!  

The people must simply adore it, as Perouz, a frequent defender of its crimes at, keeps assuring everyone.  The people, who go payless for months, get to enjoy breathing the very air of so many mullahs who have gone from poverty to multi-millions under this corrupting system.   The only mullahs who didn’t were those like Montazeri, Karoubbi and Senei who turned down the money and condemned the corrupting effect of power on greedy clerics.

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