Treating Islamic Republic supporters as Piñatas

I think it has become a cycle at where every 3 or 4 months the frustrations reach a boiling point and after much carefully crafted long winded comments people just can’t take it no more and start throwing insults and we have a full pledged war (of words 😉

There are about a dozen or so regime supporters who are the subjects of some big babies’ wrath.  I say big babies because imagine you open an account for the sole purpose of playing these big babies by simply supporting the regime and saying things like under the Islamic Republic Iran has become a great military might, the most powerful super power in the Middle East, secular democracy is a western concept and won’t work in Iran or Iran is an independent country that is based on rule of law and so on.  That can become a fun exercise for someone!

Statements such as these would become the basis for our highly educated intellectuals to shower the rest of us with wisdom.  Of course their excitement and frustrations become entangled and when their subjects won’t surrender and give in, they take off the gloves and unleash big baby insults!

In order to calm the masses and for the nth time and for new users JJJ will have to step in and become like our beloved namaki and yell out for democracy!  Namakiyeh …. Namaki … selling democracy … Namaki … aahan pareh … noon … broken tricycle … we buy them all … or we exchange for democracy … Namakiiiiiiiyeeeeeee!

It’d be safe to say that we are all very good students of democracy and if I hear one more debate about it I’m going to get sick!  Selling democracy … Namaki!

JJJ had already put the regime supporters on a tight leash so they appear to be less confrontational.  Not to mention that they see themselves as so important that just one of their comments yields a dozen or so long winded comments.  That’s the irony of this whole thing!  They gather more attention that they can bargain for and it must be fun sitting behind a computer and know exactly what to type to get some people all riled up!

So what would be some of the reason some people get into it with the regime supporters on a routine basis?  Here are some reasons, myths actually, that come to my mind:

1.       Don’t want our young to think they represent true Iranians

2.       Don’t want our co-workers to think they represent true Iranians

3.       Get embarrassed if someone equates them to us

4.       More people will join the democracy movement when showered w/ wisdom

5.       Regime supporters will get embarrassed and leave when showered w/ wisdom

6.       Use them to unload personal stress

You can add more myths but I hope you get the picture.  I’m not asking anyone to change anything about the way they go about their behavior at I’m just trying to say what it looks like.  Of course the regime supporters’ comments are full of holes and myths of their own and deserve some response.  I wish Islamic Republic would collapse tomorrow and all those in charge of the atrocities for the past 30 years brought to justice or in the case of dead people the truth be published officially.  But this doesn’t mean that all people who find themselves in line with this regime or Ahmadi should be brought to justice.  We will never know how many but millions of people voted for him.  I can go on and on about this but again with all the PhDs in politics that we Iranians all have, you know all sides of this story.  Right?!

Photo caption: a little more modern namaki collecting/recycling dried bread

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