Iran’s Religious Leader Denies Living the Good Life

The revelations, replete with pipe collections, rings, horses,
caviar and flying hospitals, caused such embarrassment to the supreme
leader’s image that earlier this week Khamenei felt compelled to
publicly deny the accusations that he leads an extravagant life.

definitely embarrassing to him,” Potkin Azarmehr, an Iranian blogger
supportive of the Green movement told The Media Line. “This is a man
who goes out of his way to portray himself and his family as living a
simple lifestyle and who admonishes his political opponents for living
lavish lifestyles. If it’s proven that he himself leads an extravagant
lifestyle you can imagine how embarrassing it would be to him.”

think the fact that Khamenei has been forced into a denial suggests he
is worried about the number of people who are learning the truth about
his riches while others suffer due to the regime’s bad economic
management,” wrote Ehsan Bakhtiar, a blogger with MidEast Youth.  ”


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