Use these fair questions to grade the Islamic Republic’s perfomance, popularity


1. Why is the average Iranian poorer 30 years after the revolution?

2. How did so many hardline clerics become multi-millionaires over 30 years?

3. Why are such clerics loudest in calling for brutal punishment of anyone who complains?

4. What did Khamenei’s family do to EARN all the Shah’s palaces and $36 billion?

5. One top goal of the 1979 revolution was to lead to eliminate thievery, corruption and cronyism and produce a better life for all Iranians.

Based on THAT GOAL, what grade would you give the Islamic Republic after 30 years?

6. Is 30 years enough of a test. That is, do you think anyone believes the regime would behave any differently if given another 30 years?


1. Do you feel this regime is “about Islam” or about making a tiny circle of clerics rich beyond their wildest dreams?

2. Of the many crimes over 30 years, how many had anything to do with “defending Islam?“

3. Should those who govern in ther name of religion behave morally?

NOTE: By that I mean no rigging of trials and elections, no stealing, no beatings, no raping, no torture, no death squads, no mosque, dorm and home break-ins, etc.

4. Could you recommend Mr. Khamenei as an ideal role model for any child?

5. Do you believe Khamenei is God or his designated representative?

(WARNING: Your answer determines whether executing protestors for “crimes against God” is legitimate or just a sneaky way of murdering those who dissent–a counterpart to Neda’s murder carried out by the very same people under a guise of legality).

6. A second big goal of the 1979 revolution was to achieve more justice and end crimes such as those committed by Savak.

BASED ON THAT GOAL, what grade does the Islamic Republic deserve?


1. In which of these three areas has the Islamic Republic done a single thing one can admire: economic matters, moral conduct, religious worth?.

2. Taking into account your previous answers, do you think the average person would NEED foreign spies to make him hate the Islamic Republic or are there many natural reasons to feel that way?

3. The Iranian people are intensely nationalistic.  Why would they listen to foreign spies an d fall for their propaganda?

4. How could foreign spies operate so successfully in a police state with eyes and ears everywhere?


How can you NOT reach the same answers as everyone else (not that you would admit it).

Not even you can believe such a regime can be anything but detested so why do you pretend?

NOTE: I recently offered Sargoud Perouz an easy test of the regime’s popularity he’d welcome if he actually believed such nonsense.  Guess what happened.   See for yourself at:…



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