Iranian Canadian guilty in Richmond Hill shooting handed seven-year sentence

Man guilty in Richmond Hill shooting handed seven-year sentence BY JOE FANTAUZZI Published on Feb 03, 2010

The chaos inside the Richmond Hill apartment on Jan. 27, 2008 lasted less than five minutes.

When it was over, a drug debt remained unpaid, there were two bullet holes in a man’s legs and a couple of men were on the run, a Newmarket court heard.

Police caught up to Davood Zarinchang about three weeks later. The 25-year-old Markham man was arrested without incident.

On Tuesday, Mr. Zarinchang, now 27, stood in the prisoner’s dock clad in a striped black and grey shirt and dark pants and listed as Newmarket judge Edwin Minden handed him a seven-year sentence and a lifetime weapons ban. He was also ordered to provide a sample of his DNA. Given credit by Justice Minden for the two years he spent in pre-trial custody, Mr. Zarinchang will serve three years in a prison, Justice Minden ruled.

During sentencing submissions, the court heard more information about a man who has been in and out of trouble with the law for several years.

Born in Iran, Mr. Zarinchang became a Canadian citizen and dropped out of high school in Grade 10 and once worked with his father in a convenience store, his lawyer Boris Bytensky said Tuesday.


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