Love in Koran

God does not love aggressors.

Yet there are people who adopt tyrants instead of God, whom they love just as they should love God.

Those who believe are firmer in their love of God – if only those who commit evil might see – when they face torment, how strength is wholly God’s, and God is severe with torment.

Do good: God loves those who act kindly.

God loves the penitent and He loves those who try to keep clean.

God does not love wrongdoers!

God loves the kindly, and those who remember God and seek forgiveness of their offences when they commit some shocking deed or harm their kind – for who forgives offences besides God?

God does not love someone who is conceited, boastful, nor those who are tight-fisted and order people to be stingy, and hide anything that God has given them out of His bounty.

God does not love evil talk in public, unless it is by some who has been injured thereby.

God loves those who deal fairly. Know that God is forgiving, merciful.

God does not love those who create havoc.

He does not love those who are aggressive.

God loves those who cleanse themselves.

He does not love the prideful.

God does not love every swaggering boaster. Act modestly in the way you walk, and lower your voice: the ugliest sound is a donkey’s howl!

God does not love every conceited boaster, who is miserly and orders people to be miserly.

God loves the fair-minded.

Thanks to the translation by Dr. Irving.

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