My Dream of Stars: From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer (Book by Anousheh Ansari)

Keith Cowing: I have been reading books about space since, well, since I learned how to read. Indeed, this is how I learned to really read a book – since the books I had to read in school were lame. Nearly half a century later, I have read an unknown number of books that chronicle the life stories of those who have come to be involved with the exploration of space. Every book is different yet every book is the same since the paths that people took were similar and overlapping. Some came from Nazi Germany, others from small towns in America or Russia.

But until now I had not read a story of someone who aspired to touch the stars from the midst of revolution-racked Iran.

Such is the story of Anousheh Raissyan – better known by her married name, Ansari. In describing “My Dream of Stars: From Daughter of Iran to Space Pioneer” I just want to tell you all that is in it – but that is Anousheh’s task – done with the deft guidance of Homer Hickam. Homer first gained notoriety as the author of “Rocket Boys” – which also chronicled an improbable journey from a poor coal mining town in West Virginia to a long career at NASA. A better guide Anousheh could not have found.

The story Anousheh tells begins in an Iran that was still ruled by the Shah. All too soon the fires of revolution swept up the entire nation – not just the young men, but old people and little girls. Yet through out this tumultuous and very dangerous time, Anousheh managed to find solace albeit f… >>>

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