Dear Friends,
I would like to share with you an experience that I recently had in the hopes that it may be of some benefit to you:
As you may know, I have been blogging at for the past several months. I find it extremely enjoyable to write my pieces, and respond to the various comments that I receive from the readers.
Last week, I read this fascinating article in The Economist magazine. It was with reference to Print-On-Demand and Self-Publishing. I always looked at writing as a wonderful hobby. I never in my wildest dreams expected to get published!
In any event, in the article, it made reference to several web-sites where one could self-publish one’s works. Out of these web-sites, there was a particular focus on one called Lulu. What caught my attention about this web-site was the fact that there were no upfront fees involved, and essentially one would only have to pay the web-site when one sells one’s books 🙂
I decided to put together a total of thirty seven (37) of my poems, and together with a Preface, and a Table Of Contents, uploaded it to the site – After that, the website allowed me to design the book’s cover!
After several trial-and-error runs, I got a hang of how the system worked. Furthermore, I had a dear friend review and proof both the manuscript, and the book cover. Believe it or not, out of nothing, this attractive book came about:
Mysticism, Love Poems, Reality, And Others
I was so delighted with the whole experience, that I decided to write this blog, and share that with you!
I do know that there are a number of gifted writers on this site, both in prose and poetry 🙂 – I also have noticed that there are a numbers of individuals who are highly talented with the graphic arts – I would like to encourage all of you to have a go at it, and self-publish your works – There’s absolutely nothing to lose!
If you have used other web-sites for self-publishing, please share your experience with us – I truly believe that this is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to share our works more extensively with others! – Let’s Take advantage Of It 🙂
Many Thanks,
P.S. I would like to say a special word of thanks to both Jahanshah Javid and for making all of this possible – I highly doubt that I would be publishing any work had it not been for the opportunity of blogging here in the first place!
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Update (April 20, 2010):
Both Editions Of The Book Are Now Available On Amazon – Please Click Here To See Both Books Available For Purchase – Tks 🙂