Iranian-Americans’ Efforts on Historic Measure Pay Off!
Just minutes ago, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced that the Norooz Resolution, H.Res.267, will come up for a vote next week. NIAC worked with the Majority Leader’s office to ensure the resolution would come up for a vote in time for the New Year, and NIAC members across the country signed letters to the Majority Leader urging him to schedule a vote for the Norooz Resolution next week. Those efforts have now paid off.
With next week’s vote, Congress will consider recognizing one of the most celebrated traditions shared by Iranian-Americans, a testament to the richness and durability of our culture and the increasing strength of our voice in American politics. If this resolution passes, it will be the first time in history that Congress has recognized Norooz. In addition to commemorating the Iranian New Year, the resolution celebrates Iran’s rich cultural traditions, expresses appreciation to Iranian Americans for their contributions to society, and wishes Iranian Americans and the Iranian people a prosperous new year.
NIAC and PAAIA began working with Representative Mike Honda (D-CA) at the beginning of last year to introduce the Norooz Resolution. Once the language was finalized and the bill was introduced in March 2009, NIAC members sent thousands of letters to their Representatives in Congress urging them to support the resolution. In February, through Iranian-American efforts… >>>