France FM: EU Considering Unilateral Sanctions on Iran

France’s foreign minister says European states could impose unilateral sanctions on Iran if the United Nations fails to pass its own sanctions. Bernard Kouchner told reporters in Finland Sunday that efforts should first be devoted to passing a resolution in the U.N. Security Council. But he said if that does not happen, France may propose sanctions on Iran’s banks and insurance companies, and on travel permits for specific people. Kouchner spoke to reporters outside a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in northern Finland. On Saturday, his Finnish counterpart, Alexander Stubb, said there was enough agreement within the EU to impose unilateral sanctions on Iran. Western members of the U.N. Security Council support a fourth round of sanctions against Iran, but veto-wielding China is urging more diplomacy. Western nations accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon. Tehran says it is working on nuclear energy projects. >>>

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