Jasmine is here, so is honeysuckle – lots of it. The smell of orange blossom is intoxicating. Everywhere you look, nature is waking up. Yes – Spring has sprung. New life heralds its arrival through color, scent and sound. It is just wonderful to be alive. And yes – Norooz is round the corner. I have lived in Los Angeles in excess of a decade and yet never had I celebrated Norooz en masse. This year I decided to break out of tradition and brave the crowds. I mustered up the courage to buy tickets to what was promising to be a wonderful Norooz party in my neck of the woods. So it was that on Sunday, March 14, 2010 my family and I set off to the Norooz celebration held by Iranian-American Parents Association (IAPA). The event was, by all accounts, fantastic. Contrary to what I had heard about ‘Eyeranian’ affairs in LA, this one was very well organized, tasteful, of a high caliber, entertaining and just pure fun. It was a proud moment for me to be part of the crowd. I took lots of pictures with Mr. Rebel and thought to share them with you. I wish all of you and your loved ones a wonderful Norooz. May the new year bring to you everything that your heart desires. 123 next › last »