reference 2007 gunning down of unarmed civilians and Reuters employees from a US helicopter caught on film:
I am beginning to consider the phrase ” what’s in American interests” an obscenity. Until our government relates to other nations as equals, and makes deals that are win win situations for the majority of their citizens, there will be no peace and no abatement of terrorism.
Personally I think that they should all be court marshalled and tried for murder and the military officers who covered it up should be put on trial too and the familes of the victims should be compensated. The one man left behind a widow and four children. I am sick of Americans bombing other countries and killing civilians and using euphamisms like collateral damage and friendly fire to obscure their crimes from the public. The families of the over 300 people who died when the US Navy shot down that Iran Air passenger plane in the 1980’s were never compensated and in fact the captain of the vessal was given a medal.They still have a day of national mourning for them in Iran every year and I was there for it two years ago. The Canadians have a national day of mourning for the Canadian soldiers Americans killed in “friendly fire” in Iraq and here we don’t even remember it. The families of the victims of the cable car crash in Italy when the US fighter plane severed the cable have never been compensated. I am sick and tired of Americans inflicting untold suffering on other people and being completely oblivious to it. Small wonder there is terrorism and also suicide bombing weekly in Iraq.
The hi tech Star Wars and video arcade quality of “modern” warfare has removed the reality of the pain and killing they are inflicting from the perpetrators psyches…it has become a surreal game. The media have been hiding the massive civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan from the public. The reason the US is in Iraq is for oil and in Afghanistan for the gas pipeline they want to run across the country from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. They are not there to give Iraq democracy or end the Taliban ( a CIA creation) in Afghanistan. If you want to understand events and history just follow the money. I am so sick and tired of this double standard of Americans thinking they are morally superior than everyone else when in truth we have so much blood on our hands starting with the virtual extermination of the Native Americans. The American public turns a blind eye to the crimes of their government and their military because on some level they know that they are the beneficiaries of plundering other countries’ resources….with a military force seven times bigger than any other force in the world and our global economic destruction of indigenous culture replacing it with consumer goods and consumerism, I think of us as the 21st century Monguls….