We are truly unique people

After being on this site for a few months, these are the categories of posters that yours truly has observed:


Centerist Seculars (want this filthy anti-nationalist regime to become just a bad dream… want true democarcy, do not care who is in power as long as it is FOR Iran and the betterment of her people)

Shameless IR goons (blatant show of support for the regime, probably dropped on their head when they were young….;-)

Closet Islamists (These species are most puzzling; claim they hate the regime, but show no signs of wanting change, plays the blame game)  

Garden variety poster/blogger not satisfied with anything, blame everything on others, definitely not a monarchist, apparently not pro-mullahs either……does not know what he/she wants, but does know that he/she should argue over your stance on issues. (this group shares remarkable similarities with the Closeted Group above, but deserves its own category).

– Muslim by decent, raised in not so religious families, but cannot let go of their ties with religion, no matter how tenuous, but acknowledge the severe short-comings of a theocratic regime.

I probably missed some, but I think these are the core groups.

This is great news for anyone who supports the status quo in Iran ‘casue this tells them that unity is practically non-existent among us Persians. 

Now, back to bashing each other and any possibility of political salvation.

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