Crown[some say] Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran delivered a speech on the theme of a democratic transition in Iran entitled: “Iran: From Theocracy to Democracy” at the Harry Harding Auditorium-GW University:
Allow me to present my humble take on the gentleman’s purchased speech. Where he delivered a scripted and totally backassward, [polite way of saying Ass Back Ward] version of reality……… You be the judge….. Here is the original thread, with all the Fereydon Farokhzad’s testimonies, but no Googoosh[:…, ]
Allow me .
[ It is a special…….] ….. Yada yada yada
[As some of you may know, I have a personal connection to this University as my wife]……….. Yea sir we knows, you got your degree on line…………….. and the Mrs. is the real educated one in the family.
[Truly, one of my favorite activities, within the context of my duties,] ……….. Which duties? Can you elaborate?
[is the opportunities to interact with tomorrow’s leaders. ]…………….. Of which you are not among.
[The courage and resolve of these everyday heroes in Iran in the face of the tyranny, injustice and brutality of the regime, has earned them the admiration of people the world over.]…………… The Key Word………….. THEM and not YOU.
[The first and most tangible result of the Green Movement is that the world, today]…………. YOU boycotted the election……………. [notes from the author… go back to bed.]
[Yada Yada Yada]…………..emphasis must be made on his thick unlearned accent………. personal you say? … bet!
[Inside Iran, people continue to seize every opportunity to chip away at the regime’s authority] How????????? and how do you know?
[Through systemic political change, my compatriots will take the requisite step forward in terms of achieving democracy and establishing human rights for all in Iran.]………Translation…… But I am not told of the details yet. I shall keep you update as I am told.
[For the future of Iran, I have always advocated the establishment of a secular democracy,] ………… Only one condition… I get to be the Shah, PLEASE…..Pretty PLEASE………[followed by poppy looking sad eyes……..]
Yada…. Yada………… Yada…………….
Good evening