They come in all shapes and sizes.
From small petty characters who are paid by the number of keyboard strokes, unpaid yet zealous self proclaimed patriots , to full time agents of AIPAC and Israeli intelligence agents. From monarchist who are desperately trying to revise history by giving a face lift to the old tired and dictatorial regime, to MEK members who took arm against their own country and their own people during war with Iraq.
No matter what their motives, they share a one common and profound characteristic and that is an utter hatred of anything and everything Iranian.
For the paid group, be it piecemeal [by number of comments they produce] or the full time agents, agenda is pretty much clear. For them it is the war industry and what it stands for, being global domination and murder and misery that matters.
These groups have been shameless profiteers of war and bloodshed as long as human history. They profit from death and destruction. They serve one pay master, although at times it takes different name and nationality, but always remain the same bunches sociopaths whose leader is angel of death and misery. These people through practice in their trade have become masters of lies and deceit. Manipulation, misinformation, forgery, terror, cold-heartedness and any other traits which is down right repulsive to any and every decent human being has become second nature to them. They create wars and destruction in the morning, and go home at night to their families just like a common worker after a hard day work in the factory, without a shred of remorse and guilt for what they have done during the day.
The second group, the unpaid propaganda army, the so called patriots whom mostly, if not all, live in Diaspora, are the tools of the trade for the first group, the real professionals in the art of death and destruction. It is these repulsive groups that are manipulated, brain washed and played to the fullest like a well tuned violin without Inkling of realization . They have become mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the first group. These spineless groups often recite the talking points that they have absorbed through mass media, particularly biased media who serve certain imperialistic agendas of the first group. Relentless bombardment of lies, hatred and propaganda that are masterfully disguised under catchy and mouth filling slogans such as heritage, freedom, democracy and human rights are aimed at these group day and night.
This group, regardless of their political affiliations shares one commonality. They are an utter shame to humanity. They are utter shame for being Iranians and they are merely a expendable pawns in the game of perpetual and bloody wars, destruction and misery. They ever so shamefully call themselves patriots while propagating war and destruction on their own people. These people are even more dangerous than the paid agents, for they represent the ugliest and most repulsive trait in any human being, and that is high treason against their own nation and against their own country.