The good Iranian Islamists

It wasn’t that long ago when well thought-out words and promises produced glimmers of hope for some solid progress. A new American President with a whole new perspective on everything including the mortal threat posed by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic was going to be the harbinger of change for the better.

But after nearly a year and half what we got on the Islamist Rapists’ game changing weaponized nuke program is nothing but the repetition of the repeated, at times being performed by the same actors who have been performing the same scenes.

The administration’s fresh look and perspective on IRR has turned out to be the same reactive policies of the past thirty years only this time with sanitized vocabulary of more hip and up to date language.

Listen up, the Islamist Rapists are marching on with their weaponized nuke, there ain’t no reforming them messianic buggers, Robert Gates the current Secretary of Defense who has been involved with them from day one way back in 1979 is on the record as saying: “I have spent 30 years in the search for the elusive Iranian moderate.”

Before it is too late the sane world lead by DC, the Democracy Central has to impose unilateral airtight sanctions and at the same time openly help fed up Iranians with material help to overthrow the nuke acquiring, war desiring, Iranian men, women and children raping, maiming and murdering messianic Islamists Rapists.

Stop this fruteless search for the nonexistent solution within the context of the Islamist Rapist Republic, regime change now!


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