I get a chuckle from the latest game plan of the people who want to continue to be rude, insulting, violent, slandering and overall a-holes. Some of these people have never cared about fairness and equality and they sure as hell do not do so now. Flagging, apparently has become just another tool in the arsenal of throwing mud and character assassination.
Mr. Javid has created the flagging system and it is a very good method of bringing things to his attention regarding the rules the he himself has set for this website. I don’t think his rules are good enough, personally. Allowing all-but-confirmed pro-War agents to advocate genocide and suffering of the Iranian people every single day using the latest repetetive psychological warfare techniques is almost a crime in my opinion. He has rejected people from organizations such as Pentagon to post here, but it seems he is turning a blind eye to people who simply do not disclose their organizational affiliation. I’m saying this to show I have a serious problem with his rules.
I’m sure it’s not perfect from many perspectives, but most people know the despite all the nonsense attacks and conspiracy theories, he is probably the most fair person for this job. In addition, he is the best person to decide what is good for his own site.
Lately, however, I see another campaign in the same mob mentality that the usual character assassins and slanderes use. When a oomment is flagged, they blame whoever they disagree with and attack them as if this was something “wrong” or unfair to do. Don’t let them fool you. Flagging is an option that should be used to make this a more tolerable and civilized space. These people will never admit that they violated the rules and they always have their standard finger-pointing excuses and conspiracy theories. Flagging affords a third-party judge to come in and decide if they are right.
These people don’t want that because it will expose their own hypocrisy. So they are now trying to create a culture where flagging is seen as a “sin”. Don’t fall for it. If you think someone is being hostile, slanderous and profane, go ahead and flag it. I do. I am also a 100% sure that the replies to this post will contain some of the same people who will promptly ignore the subject matter and attack me personally.
As I have joked with these people before, if it makes you feel better, you can pretend I (Q) am doing all the flagging. There is absolutely nothing wrong and no shame in doing so since the ultimate decision is not up to the flagger but up to the site.