Speakers, Time, Place

For those who would like to be there when Ahmadinjead is scheduled to arrive at the United Nations, you will need to gather as early as 8:00-8:30AM to meet his motorcade.

The WIMV-NY program and rally will begin at 10:00 AM, when the United Nations session is convened and during Ahmadinejad’s scheduled address.

The program information is as follows:

WHEN: Monday, May 03, 2010 at 10:00 AM

WHERE: 47th Street and 1st Avenue (Dag Hammarskjold Plaza)


Reza Aslan, Best-selling Author, Scholar and Commentatoron the Middle East

Hadi Ghaemi, Director of International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Shirin Neshat, Prominent Iranian Artist, Filmmaker, and Colleague of Imprisoned Filmmaker Jafar Panahi

Faraz Sanei, Researcher with the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch

Ali Akbar Mousavi-Khoeni, Former Iranian Member of Parliament and Political Prisoner


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