The house is completely damaged and will destroy soon, the owner is thinking about painting and decoration of the house.
You change some managers and some presidents of a company; who are bad, dishonest and thieves, with other people in the same category or with the same qualification. Do you think the company will do better? No, because you change almost bad people, who were not so hungry any more, with the more hungry, greedy bad people. They will be worst than the other cure before them, another bad team replace another one. The change of one thief or criminal with a person with the same attitude will not help. As long as the greed, selfishness and false proud, corruption and immorality is governed, the changing is useless. In the time that we have love, respect and unity and good moral, we can have the benefit of these for the people. To change bad people with the worst one does not help at all.
In the Shah time, we had good managers and presidents who wanted to work for the people, and as Mr. Ali Patrick Pahlavi told in the TV. The corruption and immorality was enormous and the people get mad of so much bad habits. I heard also that people even cheated the Queen of Iran. So you can imagine how corruption was advanced that even the queen of Iran was cheated. So the house is damaged from the foundation. And just by painting we cannot rescue it. Sorrowfully the people who have good position think, that they have good position to have more money and benefit for themselves or for their family. They take money or benefits legally or illegally as much as they can. They think they offered this position to robe people for the time, and be rich in the time that they should go away. They cannot understand they have good position to help the people and the country. They want to take money as much as they can and transfer this money to foreign banks, so after any revolution or other action, they can go outside and continue to have a nice life. But you see in other countries the Iranian, most of them should have a hard difficult life and even the daughter of the king of Iran had difficulties and is perished.
Now millions of Iranians in Iran are addicted and millions of them have no work and no educational possibilities. Millions of good and nice Iranian boys and girls are outside their home Iran and should fight with a lot of difficulties that they may not have in Iran. The foreigners do not like so many Iranians in their countries and try to make the life difficult and hard for them. Most Iranians are not well come and most of them could be much more useful in their home country of Iran. The Persian general is washing the dishes and Iranian doctor is injecting the patients. The Iranian engineer is selling toys. The Iranian PhD has no work and drive taxi. Only some Iranians have good jobs and are in a useful good situation. Most of Iranian academic people are physical worker, for ever or for short terms. They should listen to all bad words and cannot go back to their country. They are free in the land of opportunity. Most Iranians in outside of Iran, are the good and useful Iranians who could be very important persons in Iran. The problems of culture, language and accent push them out of the market.
Some Iranian presidents of companies or manager are thinking they have no responsibilities for the people, they have nice life and enough money and saving, and they do not work for the people who elected them for that position. They misuse the trust of the people and treat them. They should create jobs, give possibilities to the people to work and be active. Open universities and technical colleges. Work for the society and improve the society. Clean the city and have good program for the land and people. But they are thinking that is not their job. They should make illegal money and be sure they will have a good future. They misuse the indifferent atmosphere generally cover the third world and destroy everybody who trusted them. They robe and collect power and money just for themselves. And the people who want to work for the society are pointed as stupid persons.
The different religions train their people to hate other people and are trained to be killed or kill other people. Instead of bringing love and unity, they bring hate and disunity. Many young people are killed because they believe differently. And the head of these groups take money and go to other countries to have a nice life, in the time that they trained other people to fight with each other. To be rich is important, but how you got this money is not important. Nice people are ignored, because they do not have a lot of money and bad people are respected, because they have billions of dollars. The person who is crueler and can cheat better is more respected.
The disunity and hate bring a lot of killing and the people are the victims of the great powers who want to make more money and have a better life and local people are helping their plans, because they think only about their own private benefit. They are selfish and do not think about their people. In this chaos we will have more stress and more difficulties and more diseases and a lot of people are the victims of this situation. The people have heart attack in the age of thirty and make place empty of the big Satan. Lie, dishonesty, robbing and corruption are growing like the technology and science. The people have to destroy each other and robe each other, because they are trained so or they are forced to do so. The ministry of Just is useless and just they do paperwork’s and play withy the people, to waste their time, the people who work there, if they are not paid, say come tomorrow, and tomorrow again they say the same thing, they do not want to help people without paid by them illegally. The way is opened for the corruption and the bad action of indifferent is covering the whole land. The indifferent society give time and possibilities to people to robe and destroy other lives for having more benefits and more money.
As long as the people are not nice, responsible and moralist and honest, to change one manager to other one with the same qualification is useless action. So if we want to release from this situation, we should cooperate with each other and love the land and people as our own family and replace humanity instead of hate and disunity. And respect the people who are working for the society and they are human. You know that the system govern the whole world like a shade government of the world wants hate and disunity. They have the media and can force us to believe what ever they want. They can force us to believe in a mad uneducated man as a nice man and as a philosopher, human and responsible. They can force us to accept good people as bad people and criminal as human. The huge system of the world can inject us what ever they like to. And guide us in the wrong way. They can guide us to fight and war without any reason. He is bad you are good; kill him. They brain wash people and let them act as they want, they programmed them and release them to do what they want them to do. They control the whole world like a shade. They can let us believe a murder as a scientist. And destroy the good managers who do not listen to them and want to work for humanity. They can train and change also good people to criminals. They have billions of billions dollars and they can do what ever they want, they can even force or influence the president of any country to do what they want. They may destroy the huge oil pipe to stop American independence to their oil. And let the oil on the sea so the economy of USA will be damaged badly.
A stupid nation, nations who is indifferent and just think about themselves or their family is an ideal fact for them. Their people are marketing war, like Ben Laden, and nobody can catch him. As long as the people are trained to be indifferent, that is the best way for them, so they can do what ever they want, and nobody is against them. If the people are indifferent they do not care if their neighbors are in danger, as long as they are not in danger everything is fine. In the time it is their term; other people like them are indifferent. So everybody lose. Even in the third world, there are enough academies and brilliant people to guide the society. So many professors and high class educated person are there, but all of them are ignored and are not invited to work for the society. Only the selfish people have the possibilities to come up.
These people fight with each other, most of them have a group of people under their control and all of them want to be the head of the country. They are so proud and ignorant that all of them wanted to be president or king. That is me who can do the good work; they are not trained for team work and cooperation. Everybody should listen to me and obey me, because I am the best and I am the different. A man who was a beggar in the past now is a huge manager, what is in his mind, he forget everything and now he wants to have billions of dollars in his account in Switzerland or in other countries. He thinks now he is the best and all other people and professors and scientist are just nothing. The beggar man has the power to delete all of them and he does.
I have this religion and my religion is the best, your religion is the worst of all religions. You are going to hell and I am going to paradise. I am from that society and my society and people are the best and all other people should obey us or disappear. The other people are stupid and cannot understand, they are after women and money and I am not; but in reality he is the worst. In this way they send everybody out and they want alone to do all the work. They cannot keep all action in good condition and they destroy the society and they damage the condition of the country and the people because of their selfishness lose their wealth. The industries stooped, the universities have not enough good professors. The good managers are sent out. And the people without knowledge and without experience destroy more and more the society. The country goes back ward and the science and technology stop working, the corruption grows, and the young people are after taking illegal money where ever they can. Now the new imperialism or the new colonialism got happy, they have lot idiots in the top of the different government and they can robe their countries without any problems. That is the new colonialism program. Kill the Bahai, encourage the brain washed Moslem, destroy their houses, kill dervish, Sufis, destroy communists, kill Sunnis, or Shia. So the chaos will govern and that is what the new world order wish.
Nobody can ask them, you are expecting that a child born in Bahai family be a Moslem? Or children who have communist parent or friends and are influenced by them can be or get Shia idea? With the force of gun, they think they can change the people minds.
So come and work for love and unity, give the possibilities to everybody to grow. Instead of money give people work and the power of production. Increase the salary of people instead of giving free money to them. You disable people by giving free money. If the people get good fair salary for the work they perform, they can manage much better their budget. In the time they get free money they get confused. The people should have the possibilities to study and work, by giving free money; you destroy them and you kill them and their intelligent. Do not kill or bother people because of the religions of their family, friends or parent. Do not robe, do not lie and be happy with what ever you have. The money from thief actions and illegal money by selling drug and weapons and get money from other people, because they need something is not a good way.