Iran Heritage, Persian Gulf, and Iran Alliance Scholarship and Merit Awards (2010 1389)

Iran Heritage, Persian Gulf, and Iran Alliance 2010<-> 1389 Scholarship and Merit Awards

The selection committee and board members are pleased to announce the 2010 or 1389 recipients of Scholarship and Merit Awards. Some of the criteria used to evaluate individuals were: Difficulty of the tasks, Length of time devoted to the community, Innovative ideas to help the Iranian community.

For scholarship, the recipient is Mr. Hamid Sedghinejad.

In the Merit category, the Awards go to: Dr. Farhang Mehr ( and Dr. Richard N. Frye (

For those who follow our country’s events, these individuals do not need any introduction. However, a brief bio of each will follow to give others a chance to get to know them. The honorees will receive gifts made in Iran to demonstrate our appreciation for their hard work and for their dedication to our community.

With their life-time efforts, we have been able to raise awareness in the international press about our rights and our heritage. Please join us in congratulating these Irandoosts (friends of Iran) and in wishing them well for many years to come.

Board members of Iran Heritage, Persian Gulf, and Iran Alliance

Mohammad Ala and Javad Fakharzadeh,,

Dr. Farhang Mehr Farhang Mehr means the culture of love which reflects his love of our culture and education. Dr. Mehr was born in Tehran. He received his bachelor’s degree from Tehran University in law and engineering. Dr. Mehr received a Master’s degree in economics from the London School of Economics and a doctorate of law from Southampton University. Dr. Mehr held various government positions; the highest was deputy prime minister under Mr. Hoveyda. In addition to government positions, he taught at several universities both in Iran and abroad. Those who know Dr. Mehr consider him an honest, disciplined, and relentlessly hard-working person.

Dr. Richard FryeIn 1953, Mr. Ali Akbar Dehkhoda gave Professor Frye the title of “Irandoost.” For over six decade, Professor Frye has contributed to Iranology and the history and culture of Iran.In his will, Professor Frye has asked to be buried next to the Zayandeh river in Isfahan. This request was approved by the Iranian president in 2007.Dr. Frye’s website in which his bio/Vita are mentioned.

Mr. Hamid SedghinejadMr. Hamid Sedghinejad was born in 1977 in Tehran, Iran. He has a degree in Software Engineering from Azad University – Central branch. Mr. Sedghinejad lives with his family in Tehran. In addition to information technology about which he published a book, he is interested in history and has created a website with over 2,700 pages and over 4,000 pictures (

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